Private, Quiet, Safe, Modest, East Midtown Apartment
Request (Inquire about) a Reservation

Be a "Contributing Guest" while Owner is Away

$uggested Contribution

Here on the border of the U.N. and Sutton Areas, you are convenient to Bloomingdales, the U.N., Rockefeller University and Hospital, MOMA, Sloane-Kettering, Citicorp Center, Rockefeller Center the E, F and 6 subways, Grand Central Station, many restaurants, coffee houses, pubs and a supermarket. Central Park is seven blocks up and a few to the west. Click for a Map

Use our sheets and towels, dishes, pots/pans, F/M Stereo, Microwave, A/C.

Living Room - Double Bed is Behind Screen

Extra Bed / Sofa



One of the Two Large Size Beds

In the Bedroom - from the bed looking out.

Living Room - Desk